Well today was Jacob's 2 month check up where he had his first round of shots :(. He did great, but has been really fussy ever since. I had to go get him some Tylenol to relieve the pain and fussiness. We got a weight check too...10lbs 14ozs!! He was in the 11th percentile in height, weight, and head circumference at his 1 month and today he was in the 25th percentile in weight and head circumference and 13th percentile in height! Big guy has little legs!! Everything else was great.
So obviously we pulled out the Bumbo that Nana brought us in January. Thanks for the hand me down Tia Holly! He looks good in purple. He is just so darn cute in that thing. Of course John Thomas wanted to be just as cute. He sits in it and says, "Waaa, waaa!"
Now about John Thomas, and an update on Kindergarten...it's a no go for 2009. They are apparently really strict in Missouri so he won't be able to start until next year. That's okay, he really likes his school and it really is a great program.
Well Mark started his new job yesterday, yay! I'm so proud of him I can scream. He pushed and pushed and never gave up. There are so many people here in St Louis and all over the country that are looking for employment and we are so lucky that Mark was given the opportunity to work for this company. If you ask me though, they're the lucky ones. Mark is such a hard worker and he's so good at what he does. I know he'll make them proud. Things are looking up for us. Maybe we'll end up actually liking Missouri! Not enough to stay though. I think we'll always want to return to our home state of TEXAS.
I'm feeling better about my job too. I've had really great response from my customers since I've been back. I continue to learn about my products and everyday happenings in the cath lab. I just wish I knew it all!
Enough for now.
Sounds like things are going great fot yall! That is wonderful, glad to see you in blogland.