We had a great night last night! Jacob went to sleep at about 11 last night and didn't wake up to eat until 5am. It was GREAT. What was even better was that he went right back to sleep after eating for a half hour. I am hoping and praying that this is the beginning of a good sleeping pattern...I definitely need it!
I think I've gotten Kindergarten fever again. When we were in Texas, John Thomas was on track to start Kindergarten this upcoming school year. In Texas the cutoff birthday is September 1st, so JohnThomas, with an August 26th birthday, would have been one of the youngest in his class. We were still going to send him because I think he's ready and of course he has a lot of support from us. Well when we moved to Missouri we found that the cutoff birthdate is actually June 1st, which means we have to wait another year to send him to K. It occurred to me this weekend that I might be able to get him in the Catholic school down the street from us since they are private and don't have to follow the state guidelines. It's just a thought, but I think I'll look into it.
We are all sitting in the living room and watching John Thomas read to Mark is just hilarious. He goes and chooses a book from his room and "reads" what he thinks the pages say. He uses inflection and even changes the expressions on his faces. What is funniest is that he turns the book to show Mark the page when he's through reading it. I'm sure that's how they read to him at school... The last book he brought from his bedroom was the Little Mermaid and the first thing he said was, "She has a big hair."
Here are some pics from the last few days.
Love the cars lined up...I probably have the same picture somewhere!!!