Happy Birthday Miguel! I can't believe you're 6 today. I'll never forget the day you were born. Tio Carlos and I drove from College Station to Temple for your birth. Honey and Granddad were there too of course! And we watched American Idol from the waiting area. You were so cute, and I'll have you know that your mom and dad didn't have a name for you until you were born! I think you were a week or so early, but Tio Carlos and I wouldn't have missed it for anything!
John Thomas really wanted to be there for your bowling party, and I'm so sorry we missed it. We miss you so much, and you know what? Whenever I want for John Thomas to eat something or do something I always tell him that it's your favorite! He thinks about you a lot and has your soccer picture next to his bed. I hope we can see you soon! Maybe you can convince your parents to come and see us so we can go to a Cardinals game! We love you Miguel!!

Happy Birthday Little P! We hope you have a great birthday and hope that we can see you soon too! We still remember when we scolded John Thomas for making a BIG mess in his playroom and he said that you and Parker had done it. We wondered how you had come from so far in the middle of the night without your parents knowing...
It's MARCH 25TH!!!! Thanks for the shot out!