Finally! We are in New Jersey! We've been so looking forward to coming to visit Vero and the kids and we're finally here. When we were getting ready to leave for the airport on Monday morning, Mark taught John Thomas to say that he was going to, "Jersey. Fughettaboutit." So needless to say when we arrived his saying was welcomed with lots of laughs by Tia Vero and the kids. Here he is at the airport asking repeatedly, "Is that our aiplane? Is that our airplane?"

These are a few pids of Jacob on Easter. He was so cute! John Thomas was really cute too and it wasn't until now that it occured to me that we didn't get any shots of him. What a bad parent!
John Thomas was really funny on Easter though. I put the Peter Rabbit book in the diaper bag when we went to Mass in case he needed something to do. When we got there it was very packed and we could only stand in the aisles. Well John Thomas decided about half way through that he wanted to read the book and as he looked through each page he fanned the book as if to show the entire congregation that Peter Rabbit couldn't get out of the garden. He wasn't doing it to be funny either. It's how Marge reads books to the class so I think he just figures that's how books are read.

John Thomas and Christian are getting along really well. Frank Aaron was at a friend's house when Vero picked us up at the airport and he went over to a different friend's house today (I know, he's so social, and he just moved to here!) so John Thomas and Christian have had more of a chance to play. They're closer in age too, so it's no surprise that these primos get along great, although it looks like Christian's wondering who the heck John Thomas is.
Hard to believe, but yes, they are blood related.

I know you can't see what they have in their hands very well, but I couldn't pass up the photo op. John Thomas came up with a little bag of Jelly Beans, like literally 5 Jelly Beans, that came inside an Easter egg asking if I would open it so that he and Christian could share them. Well Christian pulled out his own bag of Jelly Beans. Actually it was more like a sack. John Thomas was trumped. I told him what a "one-upper" is today.

I know you can't see what they have in their hands very well, but I couldn't pass up the photo op. John Thomas came up with a little bag of Jelly Beans, like literally 5 Jelly Beans, that came inside an Easter egg asking if I would open it so that he and Christian could share them. Well Christian pulled out his own bag of Jelly Beans. Actually it was more like a sack. John Thomas was trumped. I told him what a "one-upper" is today.
I was trying to get ready to sit down and blog but someone beat me to the chair. Maxi, or Lexi. Actually her name is Maxi, but I used to call her Lexi ALL the time because Vero and Frank's first dog's name was Lexi. I think they actually LIKE Maxi though.
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